CLIMATE CHANGE: Climate Change Initiative Engineering

We recognise that Climate Change is fast becoming a Global Problem – We are now campaigning via blogs and reports to government to highlight solutions to keep Britain and our coastline safe… WE NOW NEED YOUR HELP Towards NET ZERO


In 1995 the “OU asked a maths question:– Based on the volume of ice mass at the North Pole and South Pole… What would be the rise in sea level if the ice melted… Answer:- the sea rise will be circa 60 metres

Today; We need to protect the land from falling into the sea in Yorkshire, Norfolk, Wales, London, Edinburgh, Harlech. Today; The UK now has the technology to build into the sea – just like The Netherlands, Dubai and other countries…

All it needs is MPs with the Balls to do it…

In manufacturing people need to reduce Non-Value Waste – It will help towards Net Zero and reduce business costs…


. We Are Campaigning Against “Doing Nothing” – In The Race Towards NET ZERO

All photographs are ours and from projects in the UK and International

We Are Campaigning Against “Doing Nothing” – In The Race Towards NET ZERO


Atherton Management Services Ltd


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Please Contact Us, tell us your issues – tell us how you would like to improve your business.

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